Saturday, September 26, 2009

I can draw, So you can Too!

hey people I just wanted to share with you something I have been struggling with for some time. And that's the disability to develop confidence in my self to draw. Don't worry I'm totally over it but I still remember the times.
I hear people say "Oh don't know how to draw" or " all I do is draw stick figures". That kills me (not literally), but you get what I mean. Anyways the point I'm trying to say is that when people continually say to other or themselves that they incapable of drawing and sketching, It seems to put a hold on your true abilities to expand and grow just by speaking it unto non-existence. So the next time you think about drawing and that fear of the unknown comes into your mind just say I can do this and start right after you say it. You would surprised to know of the results. One love everyone
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